Dashte Babooneh The animation series "Dasht Babooneh" was produced by Xagros Film Company in 1988 by order of Fars Center TV and Radio. At [...]
Baba Darya (father of the sea) Series
admin2023-10-09T09:53:09+03:30Baba Darya Series Baba Darya was the fourth series produced by Xagros Film Company, which was 2D and directed by Mahbod Bazar Afshan. Hormozgan [...]
Mr. Dachi’s series
admin2023-10-09T09:44:20+03:30Mr. Dachi's series Mr. Dachi's animations were produced by the order of the Shiraz Municipality Cultural Deputy and directed by Mohammad Ali Sharifpour in [...]
Shahnamak collection
admin2023-10-09T09:40:58+03:30Shahnamak collection Shahnamak's humorous animation series is a product of Xagros Film Company, which tries to make its eternal motto, the best media animation, [...]
Happy Island Animated Series
admin2023-10-09T09:34:11+03:30Happy Island Animated Series Genre: Children's Animated Series Target Audience: Ages 5-8 Logline: The Happy Island is a magical island in the Set [...]