Chalak Island Animated Series
Chalak Island was the first TV series of the Xagros Film team, whose production began in 1384.
Two series of this top-rated and popular series were produced in 60 episodes, which are still broadcast on Poya Network and other radio and television networks after many years.
The genie in Chalak Island is a mischievous person.
Taran the crow, the informer of the island, has decided to put the residents to work, but he gets stuck inside this special light and the story continues…
Chalak is a boy who survived a sea accident and has to live alone on a green island.
He befriends the animals of the island and gradually learns how to live in this strange world and learns from the experience workshop.
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The Chalak Island series was not only a fun animation, but there was a psychological point suitable for children in each episode.
In this part, a special method is used to develop self-confidence in children.
Chalak is afraid of water and cannot learn to swim.
But the wise crab keeper gives him a magical object that keeps him out of danger.
Chalak succeeds, but not because of the magical object but because of the self-confidence he has gained.
Pilpa, the cute bear of the agile island, is not very smart.
But his honesty and sincerity have made him one of Chalak’s best friends.
In one of the episodes of the series, he discovers secrets about himself and his ancestors, which transforms him.
Chizdan, the wise and old crab of the beach, has a big secret.
He knows everything and answers any question.
Everyone thinks his knowledge is magical.
Unaware that he has secretly found a library in one of the rooms of the sunken ship, and every question they ask him, he goes there and then answers.