Seven Colors Animated Movie


Only six years after Toy Story, the world’s first 3D animation, Iran’s first 3D animation was made in Shiraz.
Haft Rang ( seven colors ) was created with the minimum facilities and with the help of four first-generation Pentium computers within three years. This project was the first teamwork experience of the Xagros film team.


Seven Colors


The Legend of Haft Rang ( seven colors ) written by Hamid Reza Hafezi is one of the best writers of Iran, which was turned into an animated film in 1980 by Xagros team.
The story of a land that was drowned in luxury but did not appreciate what it had and reached a dark day.
A butterfly to save this land must overcome seven deadly khans and bring back the lost colors and happiness of the people.



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The demon stole happiness and beauty from the land.
Because the people of this country did not appreciate what they had and wasted it for free.
Haft Rang ( seven colors ) has a very difficult path ahead to be able to return the colors to Diyar.
The path that passes through Haft Khan Merg bar. The path of awareness!


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The best dubbers of TV immortalized their sound in #Heft_Rang#Iran‘s first cinematic animation.



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The pre-production design of the animation Haft Rang ( seven colors )by the #Mohammed_Ali_Sharif_pour was a challenging project in which all the principles of aesthetics had to be designed in such a way that they could be implemented with the simple 3D modeling tools of that time and with very weak computers. Animation and rendering.